Dr Stephen White, F.AIRAH, has been an associate director for the Renewable Heating and Cooling Special Technical Group (STG); contributed to numerous AIRAH journal articles and conferences; won multiple AIRAH Awards; and was AIRAH’s nomination for the 2016 Australian Refrigeration and Building Services (ARBS) Hall of Fame. With over 25 years’ experience in energy end-use efficiency and electricity industry demand-side management, White has extensive experience in the application of research to support both government energy efficiency policy instruments and technology commercialisation. He was the driving force behind the establishment of the Innovation Hub for Affordable Heating and Cooling (i-Hub). As a result of this initiative, AIRAH received a $7m grant from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to deliver a research project for the HVAC&R industry over a 3-year period. White currently leads i-Hub’s Smart Building Data Clearing House activity and CSIRO’s energy efficiency research. He is also the operating agent for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (EBC) Annex 81 – Data-Driven Smart Buildings. |
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